Agastya plant, medicinal plants, regional names, family, synonyms, Health benefits of Agastya (sesbania tree)

Agastya plant, medicinal plants, regional names, family, synonyms, Health benefits of Agastya (sesbania tree)

Medicinal Plants

Medicinal Plants >> Agastya

Basonym of Drug


Main Synonym

Munidrum, bangasena, bakapushpa

Regional Name

Hindi : Agastiya
Bengali : Baka
Gujarati : Agathiyo
Telugu : Avishi
Kannada : Agache
Tamil : Agati

Botanical Name

Sesbania Grandiflora



Classification (Gana)

Aacharya shusruta in vishista Drava-dravya vigyaniya (in herbs and liquids)

External Morphology

15-20 feet medium tree

Useful Parts

Bark, leaves, flower, and root

Important Phytoconstituent

Tenin, 70% protein

Rasa Panchak

Rasa : Tikta
Guna : Laghu, Ruksha
Virya : Shita
Vipaka : Katu


Kaphavata shaman

Therapeutic Indication

Deepen(increase appetite), anuloman(anti-flatulent), krumighna (antihelmintic), shoolaprashaman(pain reliever), chakshushya (good for eyes), medhya (good cognitive power)

Therapeutic Uses

1. Sandhivata (Osteoarthritis) - Paste of Agastya bark and root is beneficial.
2. Vrana (Wound) - Leaves paste applied for quick healing.
3. Shirahshoola (Headache) - Leaves juice in nostrils (for Nasya).
4. Night blindness - Leaves and fruit juice once in the morning are beneficial. Juice drops in the eyes are also useful.


Leaf Juice - 10-20 ml, Decoction - 50-100ml


Ratnagiri rasa (for fever), Agastya oil (musculoskeletal disorders)

Adverse Effect

Not Known

Remedial Measure

Not Required


Not required


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